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I am a child of Broad Street United Methodist Church, and it's now where our family attends church. My kids love the Sunday School and Stephanie sings in the choir. As someone ordained in another tradition than that of United Methodism, my appreciation for the Wesleyan theology and heritage still runs deep in large part due to my history with this church.

For a while we've all been talking about ways I could share this treasure trove of knowledge and connections that I've built over the past almost decade of public life and theology with Broad Street. So when Nurture Committee enabled me to envision a lecture series for our church I knew this would be the right alley for me to connect.

I'm proud to announce the L.E.A.P. Lecture Series at Broad Street United Methodist Church. It stands for Leaders in Excellence And Preaching and is geared toward celebrating those voices that have had both a pastoral tone and prophetic edge. We have some great preachers in the wings, and our inaugural preacher and lecturer is certainly fitting for this series. Bishop Will Willimon is inaugurating our series on March 16th. Dr. Joby Bell will be joining us as a guest musician as well. Mark your calendars one and all.

- Rob Lee