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Do you remember the theme song from Cheers? The words go, Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name, And they’re always glad you came."  It’s a simple song, but it touches something deep in all of us—the longing to belong, to be known, and to feel at home.

As we prepare for Christmas Eve, I can’t help but think about how that longing is at the very heart of the Christmas story. God came to us as a baby, born in a humble manger, to show us what it means to be loved, to be seen, and to belong. Through Jesus, God stepped into our world to say, I know you. I see you. And I love you more than you could ever imagine.”

That’s the gift of Christmas, and it’s the gift I hope you feel every time you walk through the doors of this church. This is a place where you can come as you are, where your name matters, and where people are genuinely glad to see you. Whether you’ve been here a hundred times or it’s your first visit, this is home.

Christmas Eve is such a special time to be together. The glow of the candles, the familiar carols, and the story of Jesus’ birth remind us that we are all part of something bigger than ourselves. It’s a time to slow down, breathe in the peace of God, and remember that we are deeply loved.

So, let me say it plainly: we want you here!  You matter. And not just on Christmas Eve, but every Sunday. This is a place where you belong, where we hope to know your name, and where you’ll find people who will walk with you through whatever life brings.

This Christmas, let’s celebrate the greatest gift of all—the gift of a Savior who calls each of us by name and invites us into God's family. May this holy season fill your heart with hope, joy, and the deep assurance that you are known and loved!

We’ll see you on Christmas Eve, and we’ll be so glad you came.

Peace, Pastor Tracy