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Youth Group: December Schedule
The Christmas season is here, and our youth group has some wonderful events planned before we take a holiday break!...
Aaron Simmons
Youth Pancake Breakfast a Huge Success!
We are thrilled to share that our Youth Ministry’s Pancake Breakfast was a wonderful success! Thanks to the...
Aaron Simmons
New Training Cohort for Youth Ministry
I’m excited to share with you that I’ve recently joined an educational cohort alongside seven other local youth...
Aaron Simmons
November Children’s Ministry Update
November is a busy and exciting month for our Children’s Ministry, filled with fun events! Here’s what we have...
November Youth Updates
Hey everyone! We’ve got some awesome stuff coming up in November, and we can’t wait to hang out with you all!...
Youth Ministry Update
Our Youth Ministry is growing in exciting ways! We meet every Sunday from 5:00 to 6:30 PM, and each week is filled...
Children’s Ministry Update
Our children’s ministries at Broad Street are thriving! Faithful Fridays have been a huge success, with so many...